In the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod (LCMS), Confirmation comes after a period of rigorous instruction. At Christ Lutheran Church we take every opportunity to teach and remind catechumens (students who are learning the catechism) that this process is but the beginning of instruction in the Christian faith, not the end. Our confirmation instruction is intended to begin a Christian on a lifetime of hearing the Word of God, receiving the sacraments, participating in the Body of Christ, confessing the faith, and serving the neighbor.
Our foundational text for catechism instruction is Luther's Small Catechism of 1529. We use texts like Advanced Bible History to help refresh our knowledge of the Bible. Classes are roughly structured around Luther's Large Catechism as a guide to understanding the Small Catechism.
Youth catechesis is a process that generally lasts for two years of weekly classes, which break for the summer. There is not a required minimum age or grade level; rather, each catechumen begins this formal instruction at a time when pastor and parents agree he is ready.

What can I expect a catechumen to be learning as he studies the Small Catechism?
The Ten Commandments
What does God expect of us? What is sin? What does it mean that man fell from God? Is man able to redeem himself, or will salvation have to come from Another? How does God expect Christians to live? What does God say about the Commandments?
The Apostles' Creed
What is a creed? Why do we need statements of the Christian faith? Who is God? What can we know about God? Why does it matter that God created us? Who is Jesus Christ? What did He do for me that I should believe in Him? Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the Church?
The Lord's Prayer
Knowing what God has demanded of us, knowing who God is, and knowing that He has commanded us to pray and promised to hear us for the sake of Christ, how do we Christians pray? Does God hear the prayers of unbelievers? What does God provide for me, and how?
Holy Baptism
What is Baptism? Where in God's Word has He spoken clearly about Baptism? What benefits does baptism give? How can water do such great things? What does such baptizing with water indicate? What is faith? If we are saved through faith alone, why do we have sacraments? Why do we baptize infants?
Confession and the
Office of the Keys
What is the forgiveness of sins? What is my duty to my neighbor when he has sinned against me? What is the job of a pastor? Why do we confess our sins in the divine service? Why does the pastor say "I forgive you your sins?" What is the Office of the Keys?
The Sacrament of the Altar
What is the Sacrament of the Altar? Where has God spoken clearly about the Sacrament of the Altar? What is the benefit of this eating and drinking? How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things? Who receives this sacrament worthily? Why do we practice closed communion