We welcome visitors to Christ Lutheran Church and hope you would join us as we hear God's Word of life and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. This page contains information to help you when visiting us for the first time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Information for First-Time Visitors
Sunday Mornings:
9:00 am - Sunday School and Adult Bible Class
10:15 am - Divine Service with Holy Communion
11:40 am - New Member Class (when in session)

"By faith God wishes to be worshiped in this way, that we receive from Him those things which He promises and offers" (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, IV.49). We believe and teach that worship is first receiving gifts from God, and then responding to His gracious gifts with our praise and thanksgiving.

The congregations and pastors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod have promised to practice together closed communion. This is the Biblical teaching that unity of teaching comes before unity in the Lord’s Supper. If you are not a member of our congregation or of a sister congregation, please speak with the pastor before coming to communion.
If you would like to know more about our practice, this guide which was written by former LCMS President Dr. A.L. Barry is an excellent place to start.
We regularly offer classes on Christian doctrine. If you would like to receive a baptismal blessing, please indicate this by folding your hands when you come forward. Dealcoholized wine is available in cups in the middle of the trays.

"[We] cheerfully maintain the old traditions [as, the three high festivals, the observance of Sunday, and the like] made in the Church for the sake of usefulness and tranquillity . . . without a reasonable cause nothing in customary rites [ought to] be changed, but that, in order to cherish harmony, such old customs [ought to] be observed as can be observed without sin or without great inconvenience" (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XV.38-51).
Christ Lutheran Church gladly worships using the historic liturgies of the Lutheran Church. We joyfully draw most of our hymns from the rich hymnody of the Lutheran church. Our hymnal is Lutheran Service Book. A weekly bulletin helps worshippers follow the service in the hymnal, and the service is printed in its entirety in large-print bulletins for those who have difficulty reading smaller print.

We at Christ Lutheran Church strive to be friendly and welcoming. You can expect to see many new faces who will warmly greet you. Our ushers can help you with a bulletin and to find a seat for worship. Our elders can point you to our pastor if you need to speak with him for Communion. Visitors are invited to stay after church and enjoy coffee and light refreshments after the service. Pastor Hinton is available after the service if you have questions about our beliefs or practice.

Location and Parking
Christ Lutheran Church is located at 7801 Indiana Ave., Lubbock, TX 79423.
There are entrances on the north, east, and south sides of the building. The east entrance has a ramp for anyone who might need it.